R - Civil Rights, Social Actions & Advocacy

We Are Down Home

"We Are Down Home (WDH) is a project to build a statewide organization of rural and small town communities that advocate for economic, gender, and racial justice. We will move North Carolina toward the values of dignity, safety, and inclusion through leadership development, strategic campaigning, multiracial movement building, and civic engagement that advances real reforms for rural communities.

NC Congress of Latino Organizations

The NC Congress of Latino Organizations (aka The Latino Congress) is a statewide, membership led organization that builds power among Latino institutions and their leaders to advance social, racial and economic justice. The Latino Congress works for for the public good by coalescing training, and organizing Latinos across religious, racial, nationality, class, county and neighborhood lines. Our membership consists of more than seventy congregations, community associations, unions and nonprofits in North Carolina representing thousands of individuals.

Mothers In Construction

Working in a male-dominated field, women push through many obstacles to maintain respect, proper placement, and success within the construction industry. Those that become moms also experience the difficulties of being a mother while working in construction. The long working hours, jobsite hazards, lack of accommodations and flexibility for pregnant and/or nursing workers, discourage many from believing being a mother in construction is possible.

NC Women United

NC Women United (NCWU) is a coalition of progressive state and local organizations working to achieve the full political, social, and economic equality of all women across North Carolina. NCWU works to build women’s power through grassroots activism, community organizing, legislative advocacy, and engagement in the political process.

You Can Vote

You Can Vote (YCV) works to ensure all eligible North Carolinians can vote to build long-term participation in our democracy. We register, educate, and mobilize voters through 1:1 conversations. Using community organizing, evidence-based best practices in voter engagement, low-literacy bilingual educational materials, and state of the art technology, we prepare people to vote and help them become lifelong voters.