Blue Ridge Pride Center, Inc.
To promote equality, safety, and quality of life for western North Carolina’s LGBTQ and allied communities, working as a united community through advocacy, celebration, education and service.
To promote equality, safety, and quality of life for western North Carolina’s LGBTQ and allied communities, working as a united community through advocacy, celebration, education and service.
To preserve the guarantees of individual liberty found in the North Carolina Constitution and in the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
To advance quality of life for individuals receiving long term care services in North Carolina.
To build a community free of bias, bigotry and racisim.
Promote political responsibility by educating the public to be informed and active participants in government.
The North Carolina Justice Center is one of the state’s preeminent voices for economic and social justice.
As a leading progressive research and advocacy organization, our mission is to eliminate poverty in North Carolina by ensuring that every household in the state has access to the resources, services and fair treatment it needs to achieve economic security.
To advocate for children.
To celebrate and empower the Queen City's LGBTQ Community.