Mission Advocacy Tools

Advocacy Resources for Nonprofits

Advocacy is a broad term that encompasses any type of communication that advances a nonprofit’s mission. Advocacy can include legislative lobbying on public policy issues, nonpartisan voter engagement activities, and issued-based rallies. It can also include storytelling about a nonprofit’s mission and programs and services, including media outreach and conversations with donors, volunteers, and business leaders.


Advocating for Your Mission

  • Advocacy for Every Nonprofit: Webinar highlighting various approaches nonprofits can take to advocating for their missions.
  • Advocacy 101: Webinar on the basics of what 501(c)(3) nonprofits can and can’t do related to advocacy, lobbying, and partisan politics
  • Advocacy in Action: National Council of Nonprofits resource with stories of a wide range of effective advocacy work by nonprofits.
  • Everyday Advocacy Resources: Compilation of resources on advocacy for nonprofits from the National Council of Nonprofits.
  • Stand for Your Mission: Resources for advocacy by nonprofit board members.


Public Policy Advocacy and Legislative Lobbying


Nonpartisan Election-Related Activities by 501(c)(3) Nonprofits


Communications and Media Relations