2023 Federal Policy Issues
Incentives for Charitable Giving
Incentives for Charitable Giving
State agencies partner with nonprofits in many important ways, including through contractual relationships, to provide programs and services that benefit communities throughout the state. As with any type of partnership, the contractual relationships between state agencies and nonprofits are not always seamless. The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits has recently sought feedback from nonprofits about their challenges with state grants and contracts.
Based on the Center’s recommendations, the House included a provision in its regulatory reform bill (H.B. 760) to establish a new Government-Nonprofit Contracting Task Force. The 13-member task force would be comprised of state legislators, key executive branch officials, and nonprofit representatives.
Following up on 2010 research from the Urban Institute, the N.C. Center for Nonprofits has been working to identify and fix nonprofit government contracting problems in North Carolina. We have prepared a report highlighting our findings, which include: