Golden Girls
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Thank you for being a friend
Community Workforce Solutions empowers people and promotes independence for people with disabilities or other barriers to employment by providing job training, placement and community integration opportunities.
North Carolina Employee Ownership Center, Inc. (“NCEOC”) is an educational nonprofit corporation that is dedicated to protecting jobs, increasing community wealth, and creating a more vibrant, inclusive economy. We view employee ownership as a critical tool to achieve these goals. By educating the public on employee ownership, we hope to stimulate economic development in a way that broadens economic opportunity, to the benefit of traditionally disadvantaged groups.
We inspire hope in women and older adults for a joyful and fulfilling future. We accomplish this by teaching women the skills they need to work in the construction trades, and providing them on-the-job practice in the homes of older adults who need repairs and renovations in order to safely and comfortably stay in their homes as they age.
To serve adults with developmental disabilities by providing structure and social tools they need to work and interact in the community.